You use this widget to add buttons to your template. When adding a button you get can choose which kind of action you want the button to do.
Refresh screen: Refreshes your screen and checks all fields and validations.
Execute flowchart: Choose a flowchart to be executed upon button press.
Follow button exit: Choose from existing Node Exits or create a new node exit to follow when button is clicked. This is used to go to the next node in your flowchart, the arrow linked to the exit is where the button will lead to. You can select , and for each selected Exit a Button will be added to the canvas.
Navigate to: Go to a set navigation point upon button press.
Open hyperlink: Create a button that leads to a hyperlink.
Download file: This lets you download a file from your application.
After you have chosen the kind of button action you want, the button will appear on your template. It will show a colored box with a text field in it. You can change text shown on the button by selecting it.
The button also has a few button properties that lets you change the appearance and behavior of your button.
Visible when
Allows your to add a condition for user visibility of the button. This can be added/changed throught double click of the field. The expression editor will be opened, where you are able to create the condition.
The behavioral properties allow you to change the button action. These are the same options you get when adding a button to your form or template. The icons match with the picture provided above.
In appearance, you can change the look of your button. You can display it as a normal button, a hyperlink, a hyperlink button, an icon button or a picture as button. The button can be given different colors, an icon can be added, and the position of the icon relative to the text can be changed.
Button group properties
gives you control over the placement of your buttons and how it interacts with other buttons in the same field. With the orientation you can control whether it fills its field from top to bottom and/or from left to right. The presentation lets you join buttons together or place them with a little space between them. With the alignment you can control to which side the content inside the button is aligned. The last option allows you to change the buttons size with four sizes ton choose form where medium is the default.
The button has the option to add a tooltip on its own. When you enable the tooltip you get the same options as when you add a tooltip using the .
You can use this widget to make a field or a complete form required. This bars you from executing a node exit if a form or field is not filled in properly. The required field widget can also be enabled in the behavioral properties of a Form item itself.
Data Field
A datafield of any datatype. This field is checked for value
Style context
The color of the negative validation message Green, blue, orange, or red.
Check the Ignore User Input information on how to prevent validation for a cancel action.
The form is an important part of a interaction page which lets you add and edit your data. There are two ways to add a form to your canvas. The most simple way is to drag the form to the canvas. Another way is to drag a data field to your canvas (without first creating the empty form), and select "Create form". When you add a Form to your template, a grey box with text appears, for now this is still an empty form. You can add content by dragging fields or a complete list to the form.
Form items is what makes a form useful and what you use to get information for specific fields in your data model from user interaction. You can see a few different types of fields being used in the image above. Every data type has their own form item properties and appearance settings with different visual results.
Here are the options most form items have in common:
When a text field is added to a form it has a few field specific properties:
This is a field that behaves similarly as a text field but only allows numbers as input.
The numeric input field also supports a help text that is shown below the field, a hint text that is shown in an empty input field and a postfix text that is added at the end of the input field. You can see what these look like in the image: help, hint and postfix example.
A list of radio buttons or a dropdown field of options in a concept set.
A list of concepts from a concept set with multi select boxes.
The Boolean form item has the following appearance options:
The Date form item has the following options:
Auto-completion options provide suggestions to users as they fill in specific fields in a web browser. There are two types of auto-completions available: one based on the browser's suggestions and another based on a list from your data model. Fields that are not saved in a database, known as transient fields, can use both types of auto-completion. However, fields directly sourced from a data model list can only utilize the browser's auto-completion. The available browser auto-completion options depend on the "display as" property. For fields displayed as a single line, both types of auto-completion are supported. Multi-line fields do not support auto-completion, and for password fields, only auto-completion types related to passwords are allowed.
Disable auto-completion
Depending on your settings browsers will try to add auto completion options when it recognizes a field is used for similar content.
You can prevent this by setting the auto-completion to browser and using the 'General' option with the 'Type' setting off.
This feature enables the use of the browser's built-in auto-completion functionality for input fields. By
specifying the auto-completion type in the field properties, users can benefit from suggestions and auto-fill options provided by their browser, enhancing the efficiency and user experience of form filling. The implementation of this feature heavily depends on the browser being used and may be treated as suggestions in some cases. When the browser setting is enabled, two new properties become available for configuration.
The first property is "Auto completion type," where you can select the category for auto completion in this field. Most browsers interpret "General" as a tag to remember the specific field, displaying previous values whenever the field is accessed. The "General" option also allows you to exclude the field from auto completion, which can be useful for security code fields, for example.
When any other auto completion type is selected, a more specific property called "Type" becomes available. Here, you can choose the actual completion type for the field, such as a name or an address line.
Additionally, there are options for an Autocomplete prefix and a contact prefix. The Autocomplete prefix allows you to specify whether the field is for billing information, shipping, or not specific. The contact prefix is specifically intended for contact fields and enables you to indicate the relation with the contact, such as home, work, or mobile information.
To be able to use this option make a session field or transient field in the form to fill in for the user and save the data after the fields are filled. When the option auto completion (data model) option is chosen a overlay with your datamodel is opened. Here you select the database list used for the auto completion. This will add a extra section in the property pane called Auto completion (data model)
The first check mark next to the form widget is the validation rule. You can use this item to add a validation to your interaction page. When you add a validation rule you are prompted with the expression editor. Here you add the expression that should be validated. The validation rule overrides the ignore user input and will always be checked when leaving a node through a button exit.
A collapsible list of buttons.
The dropdown is a component that functions as a list of buttons. When a dropdown button is selected a menu is shown with all the different buttons you added. Every button can have custom functions and can be visibly differentiated from each-other using colors, icons and labels.
The properties menu changes depending on what part of the component is selected. Make sure your context is right when you have problems finding a property.
In the image below you see a template editor with a label "Dropdown" and the dropdown component right below the label. When the dropdown is first added to the template it is rendered with just an icon.
You can change what the dropdown item looks like with the Appearance section in the properties pane on the right. In the Image below we have selected the display as button setting and we keep the three dots icon on the right.
This changes the dropdown to have a label and enables your own styling and context on the component. Now you also want to add buttons to the dropdown. This is done with the "Edit menu buttons" button in the properties pane. When this is selected an overlay opens with the content of the selected dropdown. The first time you will see this window:
To add buttons you grab the button from the toolbar and drop it into the yellow box. This adds a button to the menu and the button properties to the properties pane on the right. To add more buttons just drop them into the field, while dragging the button a green bar appears when hovering over a valid location for the button. With a few buttons added it will look like this:
Check the on how to prevent validation for a cancel action.
Check the on how to prevent validation for a cancel action.
On the right in the property pane the functionality of the button and what the button looks like is configured. The behavior settings are the same as a normal button and an explanation of these options can be found . In the appearance group you can change the text displayed in the buttons to your own text or change it to an expression as label. Here you can also add an icon to the button and chance the color of the button text and icon.
Lets you change the text in front of the input field. It uses the name of the datamodel field as default label.
Visible when
This is a boolean expressions that lets you hide the Form item.
Behavior Required
Makes this field a required field you have to fill in before leaving this page. You can overwrite this by using the ignore user input option on an exit in your flowchart.
On Change
Changes what happens when the content in a field changes.
Refresh screen Updates the page and implements changes caused by an edit. Like filters that depend on a in form item.
Execute flowchart Executes a chosen flowchart upon a change.
Do nothing
Appearance Display as
The text form item has three different appearance options:
Single line Like First Name in the image. A single line input field.
Multi line This changes the input field to a multi line input box.
Password A single field input box that is shows text as masking dots.
Input mode
The input mode changes how the input text is shown in the runtime.
Default A plain input field where a user can input a text.
Plain text This changes the input field to a label showing the content as text.
Read-only An input field that shows content of the data field but can not be edited but can be selected.
Disabled input An input field that shows content of the data field but any interaction with the field is disabled and it shows a disabled icon on hover.
Input mode when
Expression field for when a the selected input mode should be activated. When false default mode is used.
Width of the field in pixels or implicit.
Help text
Input fields also supports a help text that is shown below the field. See image below.
Hint text
implicit text or expression field for the hint text that is shown in an empty input field. (image Help, Hint, en Postfix example above)
Postfix text
implicit text or expression field for a postfix text that is added at the end of the input field. (image Help, Hint, en Postfix example above)
Auto completion (browser)
Enable browser level auto completion, this will open a extra property section you can find more at the end of this page.
Auto completion (data model)
Enable auto completion on the based on a list in your project. This will open a overly prompting you to select a list to base the auto completion on, more about that at the end of this page.
Behavior Number of decimals
Select the amount of decimals allowed to enter in this field. 0-100
Appearance Display as
Radio buttons (vertical)
Radio buttons (horizontal)
Label text (Yes)
The label for the Yes option, this can be explicit or an expression.
Label text (no)
The label for the No option, this can be explicit or an expression.
Help text
A text shown below the options
Appearance Display as
Calendar button
Calendar button & text field
Dropdown fields
Single text field
Multiple text fields
You will find what these options look like in the image below with the help text option used to represent the chosen option.
Include time
Adds a time input field
Translate to local time
Translate the time to the local time set on the device of the user.
Help text
A text shown below the input field in the image below it is used to name the display as property.
Auto selection first option
When this is toggled on the first suggestion is selected and can be filled in with enter. When its off you have to select the option before it can be filled in.
This is the data list that should be used for the suggestions.
Suggestion text
Property for selecting the label text for the suggestions. This has to end with the text datatype.
Search mode
Choice between contains where the options only need to contain the text entry, or it has to start with the text entry.
Min characters
Amount of characters needed before suggestions are given.
Max suggestion
Maximum amount of suggestions given by your browser.
Ontology query
Filter expression
Expression field for the use of a filter on your concept set to filter out specific options.
Appearance Display as
Radio buttons (vertical)
Radio buttons (horizontal)
Option Text
An expression that lets you set the label used for the options. Default uses the name of the concept for that option.
Default text (Dropdown)
The text displayed when no option is selected. Default or empty selects the first option.
Column count (Vertical)
Amount of columns used for the options. It will try to keep the same amount of options in each column.
Ontology query
Filter expression
Expression field for the use of a filter on your concept set to filter out specific options.
Option Text
An expression that lets you set the label used for the options. Default uses the name of the concept for that option.
Checkbox orientation
Column count (Vertical)
Amount of columns used for the options. It will try to keep the same amount of options in each column.
Validation Rule
Expression that is checked for true or false when going out of the node with a button exit. This can be changed by selecting the input field or double clicking the expression in the template editor.
Style context
The color of the validation message box.
Show close button
Toggle the close (X) on or off. The close button is found on the right side of the validation message. (see image below) This option is only visible on 4.2 runtime in staging or live.
Visible when
Allows your to add a condition for user visibility of the button using the expression editor.
Menu Drop Orientation
Down or up Orientation of dropdown menu. Starting at the top and going down or starting above and going up.
Change dropdown menu to go left to right or right to left.
Appearance Display as
Change to look of the dropdown to:
Button with label
Hyperlink button
Color context
Change the color of the button itself. What the color looks likes in the runtime depends on chosen template settings.
Icon position
Choose the side which side of the label the icon is shown.
Edit menu buttons
Button Group Properties Orientation
Change the way a component fills the its space. Horizontal or fills up to down. Vertical fills up from left to right.
Changes the way buttons are grouped together. Separated or joined together.
Changes where the button tries to go.
Control the size of the button into: Large, Medium, small or extra small.
Here you can add a ontology query to a concept form item. With this you can filter concepts depending on a query. Find out how: .
Here you can add a ontology query to a concept form item. With this you can filter concepts depending on a query. Find out how: .
Choose which way to orient the options. Top Vertical
Add remove or change the buttons shown in the dropdown menu. You can find the button specific properties .