This is the datatype that stores date and time information. The contents of a date consist of several parts in the following units.
These units can be used in date-time functions in the expression editor.
Formatting of date time values can also be controlled using format strings. Some examples for formatting '2014-08-21 14:30'
are shown below.
An unknown value can be written as UnknownDateTime
The default formatting is determined by the language settings in your Portal Settings.
Rich Text contains Text with HTML for the information on how to mark-up the text contents.
Rich Text can be directly written in expressions using the HTML tags like:
"<p><strong> bold text </strong></p>"
. Sometimes you may need to specifically use the ToRichText function to indicate that it must be regarded as Rich Text.
On its display (in the Template Editor), you must select the Display As HTML to actually make it display as bold text...
An unknown value is written as UnknownRichText
This is the datatype that stores duration or timespan. The contents of a duration consist of several parts in the following units.
The formatting of duration values can be controlled using format strings. Some examples for formatting '1d4h12m30s'
are shown below.
An unknown value can be written as UnknownDuration
A concept or Single Select is a single concept value defined in the ontology. Check concepts section for more information.
The concept name is enclosed in Single Quotes ''
, with its parent concepts in front separated by a period.
An unknown value can be written as UnknownConcept
A field that can contain only 1 (one) concept value, is called a “Single select” field in the WEM Data Model. A field that can contain multiple concept values, is called a "Multi select"; the term conceptset (a set of concepts) is also used.
A text is a sequence of characters like a string, a word or a sentence, most commonly used to store text inputs and for labels. The text literal can consist of zero or more characters enclosed by double quotes.
The Text datatype can include all alphanumeric characters and symbols available in the Unicode Standard:
whitespace-characters (spaces, newlines, tabs)
Even though text can contain numbers it will be treated as text. When a text is used, only the characters between the quotes are shown - when you need to display the double-quotes, you need to use the escape character directly in front of it: \"
Special characters are escaped with a backslash (\
An unknown value can be written as UnknownText
The Yes/No datatype is used as Boolean (True/False) and has 2 specific values (Yes/True or No/False) besides the Unknown situation (which is not really a specific value), and is mostly used for conditional statements. When a YesNo field-value is displayed on a page, it will - based on the current language - display Yes or No or nothing when the situation is Unknown. In Expressions the True and False equivalents are implicated; Unknown should be regarded specifically if that situation may occur (check the If-Unknown operator)
An unknown value can be written as UnknownBoolean
A number is used to store numeric values. The number can consist of positive numbers, negative numbers and have a fractional component. Numbers can be used and calculated in Math
functions. When displaying the numeric values on a page, the thousand-grouping character and the decimal-point character are determined by the language settings of the project.
The formatting of numbers can be controlled using format strings. Some examples for formatting 1054.32179
are shown below.
An unknown value can be written as UnknownNumber
The File datatype is used to store files. This can include a video, audio file, pictures, text documents and many more. When uploading files, there is a limit of 32MB per file. Check the specific File Functions for examples on how to work with files and their properties.
Files have a validation property that can be used to restrict files to a certain file-type. This can change how the modeler handles this file. When an file has the image validation and this file field is added to a interaction canvas you will have the possibility to add it with the display option as image directly for example.
An unknown value can be written as UnknownFile
A Conceptset or Multi Select is a collection of concepts. Duplicates can never occur in the same collection and are filtered out.
Concepts in single quotes, separated by a comma and enclosed with curly brackets {}
An unknown value can be written as UnknownConceptset
A field that has a concept set value is called a "multi select" field.
A Reference contains a Row ID of a specific List. This is used to create one to many, or many to many relations between lists in a datamodel. Or it is used to (temprorarily) keep a handle to one specific Row in a List (Current-User, Current-Product) with which you can access all properties of that List Item using the De-Reference operator (->
): [CurrentUser]->[UserName]
It can also be used with a Reference Container Block in the Template Editor to access all properties of the specific List Item to display and use on the template, to easily display multiple fields without repeating the De-Reference operator in multiple labels.
An unknown value is written as UnknownEntityReference