The conceptset image selector widget allows you to make a selection in a set of concepts. This works by using a multi-select field and shows the images added to the concept properties.
Note that when both 'Width' and 'Height' properties are not set, the widget will automatically determine the size.
The multi-file upload widget allows you to upload multiple files of different file types simultaneously, facilitating the addition of a list of files to the WEM project. The widget first packages the files into JSON, which can then be imported into your application.
In the image above, you can see the widget as shown on the client side of your project. It consists of a large drop-off field and a select file button. This opens a standard upload file explorer window.
The process begins with the interaction node, here the widget is displayed for the user. The first step is adding an exit that the widget can utilize for the processing and establishing a text field to store the uploaded information until all files are incorporated into the database.
Unlike some other widgets, this one has a few important steps before you can use it. This widget turns the uploaded files into JSON that needs to be handled after the upload. After creating the interaction and adding the widget, you need a process to add the files to your database.
Initially, we proceed by finalizing the datalist and fields employed by the widget. In the accompanying image, you observe the creation of a list named "files," comprising, at a minimum, the "file" field, and optionally, the "name" field and the "New File" boolean field (defaulting to true). Upon file upload, it is assigned a generic name by default, generated by WEM; however, this can be replaced with the original file name, as demonstrated in the image below.
All necessary fields are now created and we finish the process of handling the documents and storing them in the files list. This is done with the import JSON node, and optionally extended with a loop to replace the generic WEM names. In the image below you can see how we set up the Import JSON definition:
The files list used in the image above is the same list we made earlier with the name field and file field from that list. This will add a new row for each file uploaded and store the original name in the name field.
It is important to keep the name of the objects you map to your fields as name
and blob
, otherwise this will not work properly.
After adding a save node to the flow all files are saved in your datamodel and can be handled further for any use case you can think of.
Extra: Depicted in the initial flowchart image, there is a loop featuring the "rename file" and assignment node. The loop is configured to iterate over each row where the "New File" field is true, and within the loop, this field is set to false. The "rename file" operation utilizes the "name" field from the "Files" list as the New Name property, and the File field from the same list serves as the File output.
Following this, by incorporating a save node and interacting with a data grid associated with the "files" list, immediate visualization of the results becomes possible.
The process arrow steps widget shows a set of completed and uncompleted 'steps' based on a concept set. This widget is to show a progress in your interaction flow and should be handled as a informational panel not buttons or tabs.
These values are a CSS (hexadecimal), color code or keyword. Hexadecimal values require a leading number sign (#). RGB(A) colors are also allowed. Examples: "#366dbf", "#ff0000", "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", "black" or "red"
Property Name | Datatype | Description |
Property Name | Datatype | Description |
Property Name | Datatype | Description |
Property Name | Datatype | Description |
Property Name | Datatype | Description |
Property | Datatype | Description |
Property | Datatype | Description |
Property Name | Data Type | Description |
Property Name | Data Type | Description |
Property Name | Data Type | Description |
Text field
Data field, Text
Data field to store the selected color. The widget returns a hexadecimal color value. This value includes a leading number sign (#). For example: "#366dbf".
On change
When the user selects a color one of the following events can be triggered:
Do nothing
Refresh screen
Follow exit
Execute flowchart
Follow exit/ Execute flowchart
Exit/ Flowchart
The exit that should be used or the flowchart that should be triggered by the on chance action
Concept set field
multi select, datafield
This widget uses a set of concepts. A toggle option with image is displayed for each concept of the provided concept set. The user can select one or more concepts of the 'multi select' datafield.
image, expression
Provide the image for each option of the multi select (concept set).
text, expression
Provide the label text for each option of the multi select (concept set).
Refresh screen
When 'Yes' the screen will be refreshed after toggling one of the options.
Label position
Display the label text above or below the image.
Background color
Changes the label background color of selected concepts using Bootstrap contexts such as "success", "warning" and "danger".
Changes the width of each option in pixels (both image and label).
Changes the height of each option in pixels (only image). By default the height is based on the provided image and selected width (keeping aspect ratio).
jsonFIlesOutput | Text field | In this field the Json in which the files are stored until handled |
UploadExit | Dropdown | Exit used for the processing of the JSON file created by the widget |
AllowedExtension | Text | List all allowed extensions separated by commas. Leave empty to allow everything. Example: "png, jpeg, jpg" |
FileMaxSizeMB | Number | Maximum allowed file size in MB |
Wrong File Extension Error Message | Text | Error returned when the extension is not in the allowedextension field. |
Wrong File Size Error Message | Text | Error returned when the filesize is bigger then the maximum allowed file size. |
Steps | Expression, concept set | Use a concept set as source for this widget. An arrow will be displayed for each concept of the concept set (left to right). |
Current step | datafield, concept | This property is used to display one of the provided steps (concepts) as 'active 'or 'current' step. It's possible to change the appearance of the current step. The example above shows a green current step. |
Last completed step | datafield, conceptconcept | This step and all previous steps are marked as 'completed'. Completed steps show an icon, which can be changed using the 'Completed icon ' property. By default all completed steps show a checkmark. |
Step visible when | Expression, boolean | This widget loops through all steps of the provided 'Steps' concept set, displaying an arrow for each step. It is possible to skip (don't show) certain steps with this property. For example the value "concept <> 'Steps'.'Done'" will hide the last step of the example above. |
Step Action | Flowchart | All completed steps are clickable when using this property. On click the provided flowchart will be executed. Can be used to allow a user to visit or change previous (completed) steps. |
Completed icon | text | Changes the icon of completed steps. This value is a font-awesome icon classname. For example: "fa fa-check" or "fa fa-check-square". Visit http://fontawesome.io/icons/ for more information about these icons and their classnames. |
Step label | Expression, text | by default each step displays its concept name. Otherwise you can use this property to display a custom label for each step (concept). |
Before current step bg color | text | Changes the background color of each step before the current one. In the example above all steps before the current step are displayed dark-blue. |
Before current step font color | text | Changes the font color (text and icon) of each step before the current one. |
Before current step hover bg color | text | Changes the on hover background color of each step before the current one. |
Before current step hover font color | text | Changes the on hover font color (text and icon) of each step before the current one. See the example above. |
Current step bg color | text | Changes the background color of the current step. In the example above the current step is displayed green. |
Current step font color | text | Changes the font color (text and icon) of the current step. |
After current step bg color | text | Changes the background color of each step after the current one. In the example above all steps after the current step are displayed light-grey. |
After current step font color | text | Changes the font color (text and icon) of each step after the current one. |
Gap bg color | text | Changes the color of the white-space between all steps. |
This widget shows a set of options displayed as buttons based on a concept set, allowing a single button to be active (single select). This widget provides a excelent way to make filters that can only have one option selected and using the dynamic labels.
*Example usage: The 'data field' of example 1 allows the user to select one of three options {Turquoise, Emerald and Peter River}. Using a smaller 'Options' concept set {Turquoise, Emerald} makes it possible to limit the number of options. In this example the user is not able to select the option Peter River.
Shows one icon (marker) on a Google Map, based on a latitude and longitude value. This widget does not provide travel information and does not support multiple markers, it simply displays one location on a map. For travel information you can use the 'Google Maps - Directions' widget. To display multiple markers you can use the 'Google Maps - Markermap' widget. Demonstrations of both widgets are coming soon.
This widget requires a API key to function, you can find API keys more about API keys on: this page.
With this widget you can get an “explorer”-like tree view to control your application content, you use the "Tree" Widget . The Tree Widget can be seen as a clickable table of contents (TOC) with a mother-child structure. When you click on a tree item, the corresponding content appears. When a tree item contains sub-items (children), it can be unfolded and folded by clicking on the item.
Main features of the widget
Stores and displays mother-child relations in a "explorer"-like tree view
Fold and unfold tree items with children
Stores a selected tree item in a temporary data field (data type = Reference), so you can use it as a pointer
Property | Type | Description |
In this example we show how to set up a simple tree view in an interaction node. The tree will have a steps before you can properly use them. This tree will consist of folder items and attachments shown with different icons in the tree. The tree becomes powerful when you have it automated more but this example will show a simple set up.
The first step is the datamodel.
Add for the different tree items the different icons. In this case "Icon folder" and "Icon WEM". Icons of 16 by 16 px work best.
Add a concept called tree types, and add a icon property to the concept. When that is done you can add the "folder" and "attachment" concept with the right icon as property.
Now we get to the datamodel here you make a list for the tree items and a session field reference to the datamodel list with tree items. When this is done you add the following fields to the Tree items list:
Parent ID (reference to this list)
ICON (file)
Label (text)
NumChildren (number)
Rootnode (boolean)
Type (concept set Tree types)
Next up is making the flowcharts and add the interaction nodes.
Make a flowchart where we are going to set up the tree view.
Add a Tree main interaction node, this is where we are going to show the tree.
Add an exit for to add items, remove items and one to edit the items.
Now we add a list node that adds a row to the tree data lists made in the previous steps, and connect the add item exit from the main interaction node.
We will also add a interaction overlay node for editing items, a decision node that chooses a icon and a list node to delete items not wanted anymore.
Connect everything up like in the image below:
Next step is setting up the tree view and the screens in the interaction node.
We begin with the main interaction node with first the tree widget, a data grid with the tree items to visualize what we do and a button to add items.
Match the data-list items to the three widgets properties and set the behavior on refresh screen.
Set the data-grid with all fields
The buttons uses the add item as exit.
At last add a save button with a exit that goes back to the main interaction node with the tree widget and add a save node if you want save the items to the database.
Start preview add items to your tree and see the result
Similar to the 'rate' widget. However, this widget is view only and does not require a datafield. It cannot be used to change values and is just a visual representation of its score. The widget uses files as for the active and inactive icons, you can find the files used in the image below here.
Icons should have an equal width and height. Make sure to use icons of the same size for the 'Icon' and 'Icon dimmed' properties.
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
Properties | Datatype | Description |
Properties | Datatype | Description |
Properties | Datatype | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
Set up the second interaction node as a overlay with a form for all writable fields found in the tree data-list except the icon as that is filled in the flowchart. This means the label, number of children, Root node, parent id (set the option label to the label field from this list, and the type. Like this:
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |