You use this widget to add buttons to your template. When adding a button you get can choose which kind of action you want the button to do.
Refresh screen: Refreshes your screen and checks all fields and validations.
Execute flowchart: Choose a flowchart to be executed upon button press.
Follow button exit: Choose from existing Node Exits or create a new node exit to follow when button is clicked. This is used to go to the next node in your flowchart, the arrow linked to the exit is where the button will lead to. You can select , and for each selected Exit a Button will be added to the canvas.
Navigate to: Go to a set navigation point upon button press.
Open hyperlink: Create a button that leads to a hyperlink.
Download file: This lets you download a file from your application.
After you have chosen the kind of button action you want, the button will appear on your template. It will show a colored box with a text field in it. You can change text shown on the button by selecting it.
The button also has a few button properties that lets you change the appearance and behavior of your button.
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