
When the flowchart reaches the navigation node, the application will open the specified navigation point and continue from there.

There are no exits and there is only one property: the Name. The name is the specified Navigation Point and cannot be changed in the flowchart. To learn more about Navigation Points, read the specific article on Navigation.

Important to keep in mind for the security of your applications is that navigation nodes bypass a navigation items visible when property. A decision node with the same expression as the navigation point can be used to reinstate the pages access protection.

Best practice: Use the visible when property only for controlling who can see menu items, and manage access control at the start of your flowchart. Using a calculated field in a decision node, as shown in the image below, is the most effective way to protect certain flowcharts from unauthorized access.

When a user has the correct authorizations, they will continue through the normal flow via the "yes" exit, while unauthorized users will be sent to the unauthorized flow.

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