

This is the datatype that stores duration or timespan. The contents of a duration consist of several parts in the following units.


The formatting of duration values can be controlled using format strings. Some examples for formatting '1d4h12m30s' are shown below.

(empty)       /* 04:12:30 */
days          /* 1.17534722222222 */
hours         /* 28.2083333333333 */
minutes       /* 1692.5 */
seconds       /* 101550 */
clock         /* 04:12 */
long          /* 1 day, 4 hours, 12 minutes and 30 seconds 


An unknown value can be written as UnknownDuration.


'30s'         /* 30 seconds */
'1d4h12m30s'  /* 1 day, 4 hours, 12 minutes and 30 seconds */
'1d15m'       /* 1 day and 15 minutes */
'120m'        /* 2 hours */
'12m30s'      /* 12 minutes and 30 seconds */
'12.5m'       /* 12 minutes and 30 seconds */

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