
The List() function creates a list-typed collection of the provided values so it can be used in other functions and features that work with a list. All values must be of the same type.

This function is NOT SQL compatible. For more information about SQL compatibility, see our documentation.

A collection of same-typed values that can be used as a list in other functions or list-based features. This list can be iterated through, or a specific item can be accessed using its index-position, or using the Distinct function can be narrowed down to its unique values.

Returns Unknown if one of the parameter values is unknown or outside the common valid boundaries.


List(value1, value2, ...)

List("Red", "Blue", "Yellow") => a list with 3 text-items

List('Color'.'Blue', 'Color'.'Green', 'Color'.'Orange', 'Color'.'Red') => a list with 4 concepts

Distinct( List( false, false, true, false, true ) ) => a list with 2 boolean values (because of the Distinct function used)





Accepts any (at least one) number of values of the same type.

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