Changing files
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This node is to change the size of an image. When the image is resized, it is scaled to the size best representing the given size property keeping the original scale. This process can be used to decrease image sizes before you add them to files like pdf's or to lessen the file size to restrict impact on performance.
For this resize node, we have the following properties:
Original Image
Datafield, File
Set the image that will be converted.
Resize by absolute pixels
Expressions, Boolean
True: resize by width and height in pixels, False: resize by percentage Default: width and height in pixels.
Percentage of original
Expressions, Number
Set the percentage of the original image. Between 1 and 99
New width (px)
Expressions, Number
Set the goal width of the image by pixels.
New Height (px)
Expressions, Number
Set the goal height of the image by pixels.
Output: resized Image
Datafield, File
The new file generated after resized process.
For the flowchart, connect from the interaction node to the change language node and use the default exit to go to the next or back to the same interaction node.
an example:
Create a temporary file field to put the image you want to change and a field for the result.
Use an interaction node where you select the image, then we put the Resize Image node.
Create an exit that will go to the node to execute the process and use the default exit to go back.
Set the node properties,
In the image you see the properties used to reduce a image to a quarter of its size. At the top you see the field that holds the original image. We want to make the image to a quarter of its original size and use percentages, the absolute pixels property should be false. Don't forget to set a output field to store the resulting image.
1. Before clicking the resize button, the image set is shown with the original size. We can see that the image is quite large at the beginning before executing the resize image node.
2. After clicking the resize button, the image gets the sizes set and the label shows the result. This image has take the size and height fitting closest to the node properties.
This node is to Transpose CSV data into a new CSV that contains 3 columns: RowNumber, Column and Value for every "fieldvalue" in the original CSV.
input CSV file
Expressions, file
Set a file field that holds the original csv.
Flattened CSV File
Datafield, file
Location of the resulting csv file.
In the example we have a TEMP 1 field, this holds the resulting csv file, a overlay interaction node where we select the file we want to flatten and give us the resulting file and the process node.
One of the ways to use it:
Use an interaction node, then we put the convert Flatten CSV document node.
Create a temporary file field that will be the one that receives the converted file.
Create an exit that will go to the node to execute the process and connect back to the interaction node to show the result.
Node operation process.
Before clicking the flatten CSV button select the file.
After executing the process, the temporary field appears with the resulting file.
The extract text process node is for extracting text from readable text files. The process works for .pdf and .docx files with properly made text. Images of text (in documents) instead of readable text can not be extracted.
Expression, file
The source file with the text that needs to be extracted.
Plain text
Datafield, text
Field that holds the plain output text found in the file
Create a transient file field that holds the source file and create a text field for the return text.
Open or create the flowchart that performs the process.
Add an interaction node for selecting the source file and to show the result.
Add the process node and select the extract text process.
Connect the start node to the interaction node, then create an exit "extract text" for the interaction node and connect it to the process node.
Use the default exit of the process node to return to the interaction screen that now shows the result.
Now open the interaction node to design a quick screen like the image below. On the left a window for selecting the source file and trigger the process, and on the right a label with the respons text.
When you run this in the preview, this is the result:
The rename file process is a feature to change the filename of a single file field. The input is an expression for the new name. You can use this for a static name by just putting some text in, or use an expression to generate a filename based on other information. The rename file process can be used to change the filename of multiple files in a list, using a loopnode You should add a check if the filefield to be renamed exists, before entering the process node.
The File Property (a WEM File Field) is used for both Input as well as Output: it is the same field, the same file that will get the new Name as its FileName property after the change.
New name
Expression, text
The new name for the file. This can be text or an expression.
Datafield, file
The field containing the file that needs a new name.
In this example I will be changing the name of all the files to the [ID] name of their respective row.
Open or create the flowchart that perform the process
Add a interaction node for starting the process to show the return
Add the process node and select the change file name process and add a loop node to go trough all the items in a list containing a file field. Fill in the properties of the node. In this case the file field from the datalist "webshop" for the input and output of the file.
Connect the start node first to the interaction node, then create an exit "rename file" for the interaction node and connect it to the loop node and that to the process node.
Use the default exit of the process node to return to the loop node and the end of loop exit to return to the process node.
The interaction node only activates the process, this does not need any user input besides running it. If you are not sure every row has a file, you should add a decision node between the loop and the process that goes back to the loop if there is no value (use HasValue or IsEmpty functions).