Comet Messages

In WEM it is possible to generate messages, and listen to message. Based on these messages a specific action can be taken (e.g. write to a log or display popup on all user's screens). This happens in realtime. And to use this functionlity, you need the realtime message node:

  • You need a node to send a message;

  • You need one or more nodes to listen to messages ("Chanels");

  • You can use a node to stop listening.

All of this is done through the realtime message node. But before you can use this node, you need to define realtime messages. Once this has been done you can use the node.

The properties of the node define how the node will behave: as a sender or a listener. Let's look at the various properties. For the various node "Actions", there is a different set of properties. Three properties are always available:

  • Name: the name of the node, which is set by WEM and cannot be changed;

  • Channel name: this is the name of the messaging channel you want to use. You are free to give it any name you want, as long as it is unique within the application. When you are listening to messages, or want to stop listening to messages, you need to specify the name of an existing channel;

  • Action: This property defines how the node will behave:

    • Start listening - the node will behave as a listener on a particular channel;

    • Send message - the node will now behave as a sender on a particular channel;

    • Stop listening - the node will stop the the listening on a particular channel.

Depending on the action, the remaining properties vary.

Start listening

Send message

Stop listening

This node has two exits:

  • Error- this exit is used when the node produces an error;

  • Default exit - this exit is used when there are no errors.

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