
The PasswordStrength() function Calculates a numeric representation of the strength of a password from 0 (blank), 1 (very weak) up to 5 (very strong).

Combining different types of characters makes for stronger passwords, but a very long password of only lowercase characters (like a sentence) can also be strong.

This function is NOT SQL compatible. For more information about SQL compatibility, see our documentation.

Returns a number between 0 and 5.

  • 0 - blank

  • 1 - very weak

  • 2 - weak

  • 3 - medium

  • 4 - strong

  • 5 - very strong

The following factors increase the strength of a password:

  • Lowercase characters

  • Uppercase characters

  • Numbers

  • Symbols

  • Password length



PasswordStrength("") => 0

PasswordStrength("basic") => 1

PasswordStrength("Basic12") => 2

PasswordStrength("BasicSecret") => 3

PasswordStrength("*Kky32o7") => 3

PasswordStrength("BasicSecret1") => 4

PasswordStrength("this is a very long text with only lowercases") => 5

PasswordStrength("*Kky32o7+WEsoc!9") => 5


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