User Roles Scheme

User Rights within the WEM Modeler

A WEM user has a specific role within a Workspace or Project. When you create a new Workspace, you automatically become the Owner of that Workspace.

Via button [Manage projects & workspaces] in the Modeler, you can (with the proper rights) manage user roles.

In future, a new WEM Account Management Portal will be launched, which will provide more fine-grained options to assign roles and rights to users.

Workspace Rights

Specific rights only applicable to a Workspace:

(Working upwards in the list as displayed above)


Manage workspace

  • create/copy/delete projects;

  • edit workspace settings;

  • manage workspace-level users.

Edit design (master) templates

add design template collections with a share-code.

Edit widgets

create/edit/delete widgets in Widget Editor.

Rights applicable to all projects in a Workspace


Manage projects

manage all projects in workspace, specifically manage user-rights on project-level.

Configure projects

Debug live

*new* specific right to start debugger on the live portals.

Debug staging

*new* specific right to start debugger on the staging portals.

Publish to live

*new* specific right to publish to the live environment.

Publish to staging

*new* specific right to publish to the staging environment.

Edit projects

make changes to project contents, elements, flowcharts, datamodel.

User rights applied on Workspace level, will apply to all projects within the workspace, and will be applied to new projects created in this workspace in the future.

Any specific right is as described: there is no inheritance or implicitness. If you need to be able to publish to both staging and live, you need to have both specific rights. Publish to live does NOT give you the right to publish to staging implicitly.

Project Rights

For users that do not get Workspace-level rights, you can apply Project-only rights, applicable to only that project.

See the single "Project" label with some of the rights, as opposed to the plural "Projects" for the Workspace-level rights.

These Project-level rights can only be applied to users that do not have any Workspace-level rights. Any user either has rights on Workspace and therefore on all contained projects, or has rights on singular projects (and needs to get those specific project-rights assigned to every project).


Manage project

manage this project, specifically manage user-rights on project-level.

Configure project

Debug live

*new* specific right to start debugger on the live portals for this project.

Debug staging

*new* specific right to start debugger on the staging portals for this project.

Publish to live

*new* specific right to publish the portals of this project to the live environment.

Publish to staging

*new* specific right to publish the portals of this project to the staging environment.

Edit project

make changes to project contents, elements, flowcharts, datamodel.


The old role-based situation

Previous versions of Modeler used the following roles:

User roleDescription

Workspace User

A User on Workspace-level has the right to work on all projects in the Workspace (i.e. model and build an application)

Workspace Power User

A Power User has the same rights as a regular User, but can also: publish and configure all projects as well as edit widgets

Workspace Admin

An Admin has the same rights as a Power User, but can also: manage projects and workspace settings

Workspace Owner

An Owner has the same rights as an Admin, but can also change ownership. There can be only one

Project User

A User on project-level has the right to work in this specific project (i.e. model and build an application)

Project Power User

A Power User has the same rights as a regular User, but can also: publish and configure this project

Project Admin

An Admin has the same rights as a Power User, but can also: manage project

In schematic:

ActionProject Workspace


power user



power user



Edit project








make changes to project elements, flowcharts, datamodel

Publish project






publish to staging and live environments to make the application available to end-users

Configure project






edit project settings, create/copy/delete portals

Manage project




manage project-level users

Edit widgets




create/edit/delete widgets

Manage workspace



create/copy/delete projects, edit workspace settings, manage workspace-level users

Change workspace owner


change the owner of the workspace

Last updated