Less-than-or-equal <=
Operator: <=
The Less Than Or Equal operator <=
is used to compare two values and to check whether a value is less than, or equal to the other.
The <=
operator can be used to compare values of the following types:
This function is SQL compatible. For more information about SQL compatibility, see our documentation.
The result of the <=
operator is true or false.
The result is True whenValue1
is less than or equal to Value2
The result is False when Value1
is not less than or equal to Value2
number <= number
text <= text returns (alphabetical comparison, case insensitive)
datetime <= datetime
duration <= duration
concept <= concept (applies to the order of concepts)
reference <= reference
If any of the operands is unknown, the result is also unknown. If operands are not of the same type, the "expression type mismatch" warning is displayed.
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