WEM Test Script
a.k.a. Flint-Script
This part is a limited first edition to describe some of the WEM Test Script DSL features as part of the WEM Regression Test Framework.
In future, we plan to provide a Portal in which you can manage your own testsuites and scripts, request test-executions and review test-results. This WEM Test Script will be an important part.
Statements that can be used in the WEM Test Scripts to perform specific actions.
Use := to assign an expression/value or a web element (an element on your page in the Runtime to work with) to a local variable.
Make a screenshot of the current page. Screenshots will be compared to check differences between the test environment and the reference environment.
If no name is given, a default name will be used like: "#-screenshot".
The resulting screenshots can be accessed in the Artifacts collection of the Job Execution Result.
Navigate to a specified page (perform an HTTP-GET request).
The <page>
value will be added to the end of the given base URL (test/reference host + relative path). If <page>
starts with https:// or http://, the base URL will be ignored and <page>
will be considered an absolute path (which may be an external URL).
Every script should start with a Navigate to statement.
Perform a Click-action on specified (web) element.
Hover over a web element, to test tooltips.
Select value or text from specified web element, like a dropdown.
Optional keyword text or value, determines which attribute is used for <value>, default is text.
Put a value into specified web element, most useful to perform adding values to Input Fields.
Capture text or html of specified web element.
Optional keyword text or html, determines whether outer-html or text is captured, default is text.
Wait for a duration specified in milliseconds. This may be required if certain actions (loading a page, retrieving data) take a longer time. With Test Automation it is sometimes necessary to put in manual wait statements to make sure that the test can perform realistically and this means to have to wait until some longer running process is finished before the next step should be executed. Often this is a matter of trying a few times until the optimal waiting time is found...
Tries to download specified link.
Use Wait at the end of the script if it's a big download.
Download does not work in Edge browser.
The <link>
parameter should be the Text attribute of the link (the visible text that is clickable).
The resulting file can be accessed in the Artifacts collection of the Job Execution Result.
Resize browser viewport (to test responsive elements) to indicated width and height. When no arguments are present it will revert back to full screen. If height is not present, the width-value will be used for height as well.
Continues executing statement block while <condition>
is true.
Keyword end
specifies end of statement block.
Optional keyword break
, if this is reached, the loop is ended and flow continues after the end
If <condition>
is true, executes statement block.
Keyword end
specifies end of statement block.
Optional keyword elseif
, if previous conditions are false, execute the statements in the elseif
block, if its specified condition is true.
Optional keyword else
, if previous conditions are false, execute the statements in the else
Every new statement should be on a new line.
<element> In
Get the web element in another web element.
Logical Or
Check if one or the other is true.
Logical And
Check if both are true.
Logical Not
Negates expression.
Compare =
, !=
, !=
Compare values with each other. Equal (=
) or Not-Equal (!=
Compare <
, >
, >=
, <=
, >
, >=
, <=
Check if values are greater or less than (or equals).
Calculation +
, -
, *
, /
, -
, *
, /
Calculation symbols.
If + is used with a string, it concatenates all values into a string.
WebElements are html elements that can be interacted with using the above named statements.
DataGrid (class=table)
To click on a datagrid or repeater "page", use the Pagination element: click on pagination[text=42]
Using selectors, the correct WebElement can be specified. If no selectors are present the first displayed element will be used.
Selectors available are: text, title, class, label, index and all html attributes. Index is a special selector, starting from 1 it chooses the element on the given index All other selectors after index will be ignored.
A special WebElement is Element. It has it's own special selectors, all other selectors won't work. These selectors are: id, xpath and css.
To avoid a "stale" WebElement exception (the specified element is no longer part of the current HTML Document in the Browser Session) use * in front of the WebElement to create a lazy expression, this will execute the expression only when needed. Only works on WebElements.
Boolean (true or false)
Function(<expr>, ...)
Checks if <webEl> hasn't gotten stale and still exists in the current HTML Document. Returns true or false.
Functions always have a return value
Perform clicks on buttons
A lazy assignment of a button element to a variable using index as a selector. Using the function Exists() to check if the current button is still valid, and increasing the index selector by 1 to loop through all button elements on the page. Making a screenshot of all overlays and closing them using click on button[text="close"].
Perform sorting on datagrid
Using click on datagrid[title="ID"] to sort specified columns of a Datagrid.
Download a file
Form Input
Entering "hello world" into a form-item. Afterwards collapsing the panel.
Change Language
Change language to Italian using the dropdown and capturing the html of a web element.
Last updated
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