Async Tasks
A collection of nodes to provide Async Task features
The Async Task nodes only work in Kubernetes Runtimes v4.2 and up.
In current Shared Europe (v3 Windows) or 4.1 kubernetes runtimes, an error will show: "The current flowchart node is not supported by this version of the WEM runtime."
When released, we will add screenshots and further information.
With the async task nodes you can run tasks in a background process. Async Tasks can be started, stopped and monitored with specific nodes. This can be useful if you want to start long running tasks without having to wait for them to finish. Users can continue their processes and work while the Async Tasks work in the background.
Start Task node
Use this node to start a task created in the project as a background process. Every process has a unique job ID that can be stored in a text dossier item to be used later.
(Optional) Store job instance ID: Text dossier item to store the ID.
(Optional) Task arguments: A list of optional arguments that can be provided as input for the task. The parameters are declared in the input folder under the task.
Task queued: The task has been queued to run anytime now.
Task queue limit reached: The task has not been queued because the limit has been reached.
Stop task node
Use this node to stop a running task with a specific ID.
(Required) Job instance ID: Stop running task with this ID.
Default exit: Task has been successful stopped.
Error: An error occurred whilst stopping the task.
Task status node
Use this node to retrieve the status of a running task on demand.
(Required) Job instance ID: The running task instance ID to retrieve the status from.
Store status: Text dossier item to store general status information.
Store feedback: Text dossier item to store custom feedback from the running task. For more information see the Task feedback node.
Store error: Text dossier item to store general error information.
Task queued: Task has been queued to run later.
Task running: Task is running.
Task stopped: Task has been stopped.
Task stopping: Task is in the process to be stopped.
Task error: Task has an error.
Task completed: Task is completed.
Task not found: Task has not been found.
Default exit: The exit when other exits are not handled.
Task feedback node
Store any information of this running task instance to be read from other WEM runtime sessions.
Feedback expressions: The shared information to stored.
Append feedback: Should the extra information be appended?
Task input folder
Is a dossier folder of parameters for the current task. The arguments are given by the Start task node. Note that no lists or calculated fields can be created as input parameter.
Last updated
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